All Health Funds accepted under Medicare (eligible children only), GU Health, Hif, Qantas Health, AHM, Afterpay, Humm, and Zip

Your Child's Dental Care Made Affordable with CDBS

Admire Dental Butler aims to help children maintain dental health. To help families, we offer the Child Dental Benefits Schedule as a payment alternative. Visit us to learn how to take advantage of this incredible opportunity!

Secure Your Child's Dental Health With the Child Dental Benefits Schedule!

Children can take advantage of the Child Dental Benefit Schedule (CDBS), which provides up to $1,052 (as of January 2023) in benefit payments over two years. We are proud to participate in the CDBS and excited to offer this as a payment option. Admire Dental Butler makes it easy for your children to receive exceptional dental care at an affordable cost.

Whether you’re looking for preventative services or basic treatment, we can provide a suitable action plan for your children and the whole family. We strive to make our clinic a welcoming and supportive environment for everyone, especially children.

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Affordable Care for Your Kids with Children Dental Benefit Schedule

If your child is eligible for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule, you enjoy these benefits:


Free Basic Dental Care

Children who are qualified for the CDBS can receive free dental care worth up to $1,052 over two calendar years. This includes basic dental services such as examinations, x-rays, cleanings, fissure sealants, root canals, extractions, and fillings.


No Registration or Application

Children who are aged 0-17, eligible for Medicare, and receive at least one eligible payment are eligible for CDBS. There are no applications or registrations required – if your child is eligible, you will automatically receive a letter in the mail.


Easy Claims Process

Admire Dental Butler makes claiming benefits for CDBS easy and affordable. We will file claims on your behalf. So you won’t have any out-of-pocket costs for covered treatments as long as they fall within your balance. Just bring your Medicare card when you go to your child’s appointment.